For recognition of individual(s) who has shown outstanding and significant achievements to the IAAI and the field of fire investigations in general through the use of professional expertise that advances the global mission of the IAAI. The recipient shall display one or more of the following attributes:
- Character and contributions that display exemplary professionalism to the IAAI and the field of fire investigations in general. The nominee will be vetted based on their personal character, their professionalism, and their positive influences on advancements within the field of fire investigations.
- A history of managerial or executive contributions through a leadership role in the IAAI which generated a significant contribution to the advancement of the global mission of the IAAI, or another significant contribution to the IAAI outside of a leadership role.
- Any person who provides a significant contribution in the furtherance of the goals and objectives of the IAAI.
The nominator must submit an approximate 2000-word essay that provides a historical retrospective of the nominee’s contribution to the industry and mission of the IAAI / fire investigative profession and to include a biography of the nominee.
All nominees accepted by the award committee will remain on the list, for future induction consideration, for five years.
The award committee may submit names for posthumous induction without restriction through the 2022 International Training Conference, ITC. Thereafter, the committee may select two individuals (past or present members), from the active nominations, for induction.
The IAAI Board of Directors may, at their discretion, posthumously induct past members without restriction through the 2022 ITC. Thereafter, the IAAI Board of Directors may select, at their discretion, select one past member for posthumous induction into the Hall of Flame.
The recipient shall not be a current Officer or member of the Board of Directors or a member of the Awards Committee. The recipient(s) of this award shall be a member of the IAAI for a minimum of 15 years (past or present).
In addition to the aforementioned awards, the Association presents a Certificate of Appreciation and/or Award of Appreciation annually to selected individuals who have provided or performed services considered to be in the best interest of the Association.
Hall Of Flame Inductees
Jamie Novak (posthumously)
Guy E. "Sandy" Burnette (posthumously)
William "Bill" Buxton (posthumously)
George H. Parker (posthumously)
James L. Smith (posthumously)
Robert J. Doran, Sr. (posthumously)
Richard "Dick" Johnson (posthumously)
John D. Dehaan, Ph.D
Michael Deckelmann
Gerald "Jerry" Naylis