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Awards Committee Chair — Rose Rozmiarek

Awards Nomination Form

The deadline for submissions is December 31 each year. Awards will be presented at the IAAI International Training Conference (ITC) Annual General Meeting or the Annual Awards Banquet.

The Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the awards listed below, which customarily are presented at the annual meeting by the Association. Submissions are due December 31.

Life Membership Award
The Life Membership Award may be conferred upon an active member in good standing for a period of 10 years and one who has rendered distinctive service to the Association and its purposes for a minimum of five years. (Limited to two recipients annually.)

Distinguished Service Award (George H. Parker Award)
The Distinguished Service Award is given to individuals who are active members of the IAAI and who have shown outstanding service, effort and direction to the purposes and objectives of the Association. (Limited to one recipient annually.)

Outstanding Chapter Award (James L. Smith Award)
The Committee will choose recipients of this award after a thorough study of the activities of each Chapter throughout the year, including goals suggested by the President of the Association. In addition, the annual report submitted by the Chairman of the Chapter Committee will be studied for additional information. (Limited to one recipient annually.)

Outstanding Chapter Publication
The Outstanding Chapter Publication Award is given for outstanding newsletter or magazine publications that disseminate knowledge, education and information to the chapter/international members and others. This award will be chosen by the Committee after a review of nominees from the chapters or members. (Limited to one recipient annually.)

Outstanding Accomplishment Award (Guy E. "Sandy" Burnette Award)
The Outstanding Accomplishment Award is presented to municipalities, agencies (law enforcement or private), and companies that have developed successful programs that help to reduce the incidence of arson by implementing and achieving a progressive, innovative and successful program. (Limited to one recipient annually.)

Award of Recognition
The Award of Recognition may be given to any individual or organization for service rendered to the Association and its purposes. (Limited to two recipients annually.)

Investigator of the Year Award
Investigator of the Year Award is given to an individual who has shown outstanding achievement through the use of professional expertise in both the criminal and civil fields of arson control. The recipient shall not be a current officer or member of the Board of Directors, nor shall the recipient be a member of the Awards Committee. There shall be one annual Investigator of the Year.

Instructor of the Year
Instructor of the Year is given to an individual who has shown outstanding achievement, through dedication and professional expertise, in providing training instruction to the members of the IAAI and its chapters. The recipient shall not be a current member of the Awards Committee, Director, or Officer. There shall be one annual Instructor of the Year awarded. The recipient of this award shall be an active member of the IAAI for at least five years. This award will be presented at the annual award banquet at the ITC.

Photography Competition
Tommy Sipsy, Photo Committee Chair
Awards will be given in the categories of Arson and Accidental Fire Photography. First and Second place and Honorable Mention awards are presented for each category. Photos will be judged on the quality and content of the cause represented, technique and composition of how well it depicts its category. In addition, photographs will be published in the Fire & Arson Investigator journal. First place award winners may not enter the same category for two years.


For recognition of individual(s) who has shown outstanding and significant achievements to the IAAI and the field of fire investigations in general through the use of professional expertise that advances the global mission of the IAAI. The recipient shall display one or more of the following attributes:

  1. Character and contributions that display exemplary professionalism to the IAAI and the field of fire investigations in general. The nominee will be vetted based on their personal character, their professionalism, and their positive influences on advancements within the field of fire investigations.
  2. A history of managerial or executive contributions through a leadership role in the IAAI which generated a significant contribution to the advancement of the global mission of the IAAI, or another significant contribution to the IAAI outside of a leadership role.
  3. Any person who provides a significant contribution in the furtherance of the goals and objectives of the IAAI.

The nominator must submit an approximate 2000-word essay that provides a historical retrospective of the nominee’s contribution to the industry and mission of the IAAI / fire investigative profession and to include a biography of the nominee.

All nominees accepted by the award committee will remain on the list, for future induction consideration, for five years.

The award committee may submit names for posthumous induction without restriction through the 2022 International Training Conference, ITC. Thereafter, the committee may select two individuals (past or present members), from the active nominations, for induction.

The IAAI Board of Directors may, at their discretion, posthumously induct past members without restriction through the 2022 ITC. Thereafter, the IAAI Board of Directors may select, at their discretion, select one past member for posthumous induction into the Hall of Flame.

The recipient shall not be a current Officer or member of the Board of Directors or a member of the Awards Committee. The recipient(s) of this award shall be a member of the IAAI for a minimum of 15 years (past or present).

In addition to the aforementioned awards, the Association presents a Certificate of Appreciation and/or Award of Appreciation annually to selected individuals who have provided or performed services considered to be in the best interest of the Association.

Hall Of Flame Inductees

Jamie Novak (posthumously)

Guy E. "Sandy" Burnette (posthumously)
William "Bill" Buxton (posthumously)

George H. Parker (posthumously)
James L. Smith (posthumously)
Robert J. Doran, Sr. (posthumously)
Richard "Dick" Johnson (posthumously)

John D. Dehaan, Ph.D
Michael Deckelmann

Gerald "Jerry" Naylis


Awards will be given in the categories of Arson and Accidental Fire Photography. First and Second place and Honorable Mention awards are presented for each category. Photos will be judged on the quality and content of the cause represented, technique and composition of how well it depicts its category. In addition, photographs will be published in the Fire & Arson Investigator journal. First place award winners may not enter the same category for two years.

Rules for the Annual IAAI Photo Competition:

  1. The photographic award competition is open only to members in good standing of the IAAI.
  2. All photos entered must be the work of the person entering and must have been taken within the preceding 48 months.
  3. There are two categories for competition: Category 1 - Arson Photos; Category 2 - Accidental Photos (Maximum of one submission in each category per entrant.)
  4. Photos must be in color.
  5. Photos must be digital and shot at 3 to 8 megapixels and in JPG Format. If shot by 35mm, photos must be scanned to digital format at a minimum of 300 dpi. No marks of any kind may be placed on the photograph. A designation of the appropriate category and a brief explanation of the subject of the photograph, including the type of structure or item, must accompany each photograph submitted and reference the digital number of the photograph. Two supporting photographs may be submitted to clarify the actual photograph being submitted. The actual photo being submitted for consideration must be designated. (No training photos)
  6. The following information must be placed with the description for each photo submitted: name, mailing address, telephone number, department or company name, date photo was taken, location of photo scene, number sequence of each photo submitted by digital number as described in Rule 5 and current email address.
  7. All photo entries become the property of the IAAI and will not be returned.
  8. Any entry not complying with these rules will be eliminated.
  9. All photos must be submitted with an Nomination Form via email to by December 31st.

2024 IAAI Awards

Photo Awards: Arson

1st Place - Andrew French, South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service

2nd Place - Chris Ellis, Sharonville Fire Department

Honorable Mention - Todd Ambroz, T290 Investigations & Consulting

Photo Awards: Accidental

1st Place - Shawn Hilbert, Technical Fire Analysis

2nd Place - Shannon Trahan, Lafayette Fire Department

Honorable Mention - Dennis Zigrang, FCA Idaho

Outstanding Chapter Award

Tennessee Chapter #4

Distinguished Service Award – George H. Parker

Joseph J. Sesniak, Forensic Fire Consultants, Ltd.

Investigator of the Year

Chase Hawthorne, Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal

Presidential Award of Excellence

Dan Heenan

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