*Standing Committees
*Appellate Review - Chairman: Jack Ward; Co-Chair Richard Jones
The duties of the Committee are to review upon written request, actions taken by the Board of Directors resulting in adverse action being imposed upon any officer, member of the Board of Directors, or members of the Association. The Standing Committee consists of five (5) active participating Past Presidents with the exception of the incoming Past President.
Awards – Chairman: Rose Rozmiarek; Co-Chair: Michael Roarty
The duties of the Awards Committee shall be to actively encourage nominations for the various IAAI awards from the Chapters and total membership, determine the eligibility of the nominees, review and examine the information of eligible nominees, and determine the most qualified nominees(s) and recommend a recipient for each IAAI award.
*Budget and Finance - Chairman: Randy Watson; Co-Chair: David Cheers
The Budget and Finance Committee shall be responsible for all financial matters involving dues, expenses, income, and/or honorariums incurred by or on behalf of the Association. In addition, the committee will see the proper planning and budgeting is carried out during the year. An annual audit will be conducted by the Committee in accordance with Article VIII, Section 2.
*Certifications (Formerly Certified Fire Investigators) - Chairman: Rick Jones; Co-Chair: Chris Elrod
The duties of the Committee shall be the development, administration, and management of all certification and endorsement programs in accordance with the Practice and Procedures Manual for the specific certifications or endorsements. The Committee will work with the Education and Training Committee to develop classes to meet certification and endorsement requirements, as well as provide final approval for such classes. Additionally, the Committee shall be responsible to promote and encourage participation in the certification and endorsement programs by all qualified persons.
*CFITrainer.Net Steering - Chairman: Dan Heenan; Co-Chair: Dixon Robin
The CFITrainer.Net Steering Committee assists the CFITrainer.Net Steering Committee Chair, Project Manager, and Stonehouse Media (the website host and video production company) in selecting topics, subject matter experts, resources, and references for the training platform. The committee works closely with the Training & Education Committee to ensure continuity, consistency, and, wherever relevant, compliments to other IAAI training programs. The Chair, Project Manager, and identified IAAI office staff also manage and administer the FEMA AFG/SAFER grant criteria that support CFITrainer.Net.
*Chapters - Chairman: Chris Ward; Co-Chair: Dan Rottmueller
The duties of the Chapters Committee shall be to promote, encourage, and assist in forming new chapters in the Association. The Committee shall, following review, make recommendations to the Association on applications received for new chapter charters. The Committee shall review the activities of all chartered chapters and make recommendations to the Association regarding the chapters.
Character and Fitness Review - Chairman: John Bull
*Constitution and By-Laws - Chairman: David Sneed; Co-Chair: Tom Fee
The duties of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall be to advise the officers, directors, and members of the Association on matters pertaining to the Constitution and By-Laws. In the event of proposed changes, it shall further be the duty of the committee to review and prepare the proposed changes in a suitable format for presentation to the officers, directors, and members of the Association. Additionally, the Committee shall serve in a review capacity for the Standard Operating Procedures for the committees of the Association. C&BL Change Form Complete and send to: Anne Stone by November 1
*Election - Chairman: Scott Bennett; Co-Chair: Peter Mansi
The duties of the Election Committee shall include the publication of ballots and procedures for voting, the administration of the voting at the annual meeting, and the security and tallying of all votes cast.
*Ethical Practices and Grievances - Chairman: Cameron Novak; Co-Chair: Todd Hedglin
The duties of the Ethical Practices and Grievances Committee shall be to investigate any and all allegations of misconduct directed toward the officers, directors, or members of the Association. Allegations of misconduct shall include but are not limited to the following: (1) criminal offenses, (2) neglect of duty, (3) violation of the Code of Ethics, policies, rules or procedures of the Association, and (4) conduct that tends to reflect unfavorably on the member of the Association. These duties also include the investigations of violations of Chapter 7 of the Certified Fire Investigators Practice and Procedures Manual. Following the completion of an investigation, the Committee shall forward the result and recommendations in writing to the officers and directors of the Association for final action. Grievance Procedure
FAI Editorial Review Board – Chairman: Keith Paffrath; Co-Chair: Chris Van Vleet
The duties of the Review and Publication Review Committee is to establish guidelines for the professional and objective review of articles, resources, information, and documents to post for IAAI membership, whether online or for publication in the Fire & Arson Investigator Journal. The Committee is comprised of four sub-committees (Fire & Arson Practitioner, Forensic Science & Engineering, Insurance, and Legal) that will provide an objective review of all items submitted for publication or release.
Fire Investigator Standards (FISC) – Chairman: Terry-Dawn Hewitt
The duties of the FISC shall be to educate FISC members and IAAI members of the relationship between the IAAI and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the NFPA Standards-Making Process, and how IAAI members can become involved in creating or revising NFPA documents. The Committee shall also keep the IAAI Board and membership informed of issues relating to NFPA 921, NFPA 1033, and the developments and proposed changes of these documents. The Committee is also responsible for submitting an article for publication, “FISC Bulletin Board” for each issue of the F&AI Journal.
Governmental Relations (Formerly Advocacy) - Chairman: Roger Krupp; Co-Chair: Bob Renton
The IAAI Advocacy Committee is responsible for educating IAAI members on how to interact with elected and appointed officials by teaching them how to build relationships of trust so they may become a resource on fire investigative matters. Furthermore, Committee members will educate policymakers and opinion leaders on the role the IAAI and its Chapters play in the fire investigation profession.
The Committee would like to track key contacts made with legislators, government agencies, and industry organizations, as well as presentations made on behalf of IAAI. If you or a Chapter Member makes a key contact, please fill out the Advocacy Activity Report Form and submit it to Roger Krupp.
*Health and Safety – Chairman: Tom Mooney; Co-Chair: Michael Brewer
The IAAI is committed to not only truth in fire investigations but the safety of the fire investigation community. The Health and Safety Committee is dedicated to promoting health and safety knowledge, awareness, discussion, and action among the members of the IAAI and the fire investigation community in general by providing health and safety information and best practice guidelines. The committee is also responsible for providing information and studies to include on the IAAI member resources website, collaborate with the Advocacy Committee to produce relevant legislative actions, and collaborate with the Education and Training Committee (T&E) to produce training materials and courses in respect to fire investigator health and safety. Fire Investigator Health & Safety Best Practices White Paper (Third Edition).
Insurance Advisory - Chairman: Chris Konzelmann; Co-Chair: Tristan Abbott
The Insurance Advisory Committee is responsible for understanding and making appropriate recommendations in respect to membership and training for those insurance industry professionals working in fire loss. In addition to recommending training needs specific to this group, the committee will also develop regular communication, determine which insurance industry groups with whom the IAAI should partner, and assist with understanding insurance industry certification and continuing education needs and requirements.
Law Enforcement Advisory - Chairman: Devin Palmer
Marketing/Branding - Chairman: Greg Trosper; Co-Chair: Robert Rullan
The Marketing Committee shall lead or support a consistent approach to marketing, promoting, and branding of the IAAI, its initiatives, and its members both internally and externally. The Committee manages sponsorship, advertising, and B2B opportunities. Additionally, the Committee liaises with other industry organizations to promote the IAAI's mission.
*Membership - Chairman: Dixon Robin; Co-Chair: Claire Mansi The duties of the Membership Committee shall be to promote, encourage and solicit membership in the Association through any appropriate means. In addition, the Committee shall develop and recommend guidelines to the Board relative to annual cost, levels, and benefits of sustaining membership.
*Nominating - Chairman: Brian Whitemore; Co-Chair: Cory Reeves
The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be to encourage, solicit, receive and screen all nominations received for the position of Second Vice President and Directors of the Association. The Committee shall present a list of qualified candidates to the membership in the Fire & Arson Investigator. The Committee shall consist of one representative from each of the following disciplines: fire service, law enforcement, legal, private investigator, scientific, insurance, current Director, Past President, and a member-at-large who will be a non-voting Chair (except in the event of a tie). Members shall serve a term of three (3) years with the President appointing three (3) members each year. Members may be reappointed. Nomination Form
Off Continent Advisory - Co-Chair: Michael Forbes
Past Presidents Advisory Council - Chairman: Peter Mansi; Co-Chair: Bobby Schaal
*Seminar Site Selection and Planning - Chairman: Trace Lawless; Co-Chair: David Cheers
The duties of the Site Selection and Planning Committee shall be to solicit, receive and evaluate all bids for potential sites for the International Training Conference (ITC). After evaluation, the Committee shall present recommendations to the Board of Directors for review and consideration. The determination of the site for the International Training Conference (ITC) shall be by the vote of the Board of Directors. The Committee shall plan, coordinate and /or oversee the production of the ITC.
Students Committee - Chair: Sawyer Garriques; Co-Chair: Taylor Wilson-Verbickas
The duties of the Student Committee shall be to promote and encourage student membership in the IAAI, promote and assist in the development of training and education opportunities for student members, and serve as the liaison between the student members and the IAAI. The Committee will promote student members however possible and will assist the student members in connecting with the fire investigation community.
*Training and Education - Chairman: David Bridges; Co-Chair: Chris Ellis
The duties of the Committee shall be to oversee or plan the seminars of the Association, develop training programs for the Association, provide topical education to the membership via the Fire & Arson Investigator, and increase the development of educational material through the Association library. The Committee shall further encourage, solicit and assist in the development of new and innovative ideas for the education and training of the Association.
Members in good standing may request individual Standing Committee reports that will be furnished upon an email request to Anne Stone, CAE, Executive Director.
International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc.
Global Leaders in Fire Investigation®
2331 Rock Spring Road
Forest Hill, MD 21050