Membership Benefits
Membership in the International Association of Arson Investigators has many advantages, including:
- Career enhancement through professional credentialing programs: Certified Fire Investigator (IAAI-CFI®), Fire Investigation - Technician (IAAI-FIT®), Evidence Collection Technician (IAAI-ECT), and Certified Instructor (IAAI-CI).
- Professional development through IAAI-exclusive, in-person classes and the annual IAAI International Training Conference.
- In-depth education in the latest fire investigation topics covered in Fire & Arson Investigator Journal, IAAI’s quarterly journal. Print (Active, Associate, Life); Electronic (Retired, Student)
- Comprehensive Membership Directory (available online to Members only)
- Networking opportunities with fellow members and expert instructors
- Accidental Death Fund
- Local training and networking opportunities through IAAI chapters
- Eligible for two-year scholarship to Columbia Southern University
- Representation of members’ interests in Washington, D.C.
- Representation for IAAI on NFPA committees relating to fire investigation
- Support for testing and research projects relating to fire investigation
Membership fees range from $25-$100/year, depending on professional status, and that fee is quickly recouped through taking advantage of member rates on credential applications, in-person courses, ITC registration, and many other IAAI activities. Click here to learn more about membership and join today.
International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc.
Global Leaders in Fire Investigation®
2331 Rock Spring Road
Forest Hill, MD 21050