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Evidence Collection Technician (IAAI-ECT®)

The Evidence Collection Technician Program is designed to verify an applicant’s fundamental knowledge as measured against core job performance requirements of established professional qualifications standards and standard industry practices related to evidence collection on fire scenes. This measurement is not all inclusive of the incorporated professional standards cited, but lays the foundation for measuring the holder’s fundamental ability to perform specific evidence collection tasks related to fire scene investigation at an acceptable level as measured against published acceptable practices. The applicant must provide documentation of meeting minimum requirements including experience, training, and education. Upon approval they must successfully pass a comprehensive practicum examination.

The applicant must provide documentation of meeting minimum requirements including experience, training, and education. Upon approval they must successfully pass a comprehensive practicum examination.

Hosts for this class must provide a training facility conducive to the size of the class expected, and audio visual equipment that supports class size and a PowerPoint presentation

Delivery Time Frame

The examination period is four hours.



  • A minimum of 18 months of general experience in a fire investigation related industry.
  • A minimum of 12 items of forensic evidence collected. The applicant is responsible for submitting general supporting documents that include the location of the examination, the date of the examination, and the particular type(s) of evidence collected.


  • Minimum of 29 hours of tested training.


  • DNA (3 hours)
  • Documenting the Event (4 hours)
  • Ethics and the Fire Investigator (3 hours)
  • The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigation (3 hours)
  • Evidence Examination: What Happens at the Lab? (4 hours)
  • Introduction to Evidence (4 hours)
  • NFPA 1033 and Your Career (2 hours)
  • Physical Evidence at the Fire Scene (4 hours)
  • The Practical Application of the Relationship between NFPA 1033 and NFPA 921 (2 hours)


  • Applicants must pass all critical elements and achieve a minimum score of 70% on each of the 10 components of the practical testing to be deemed to have successfully challenged the exam. Examination Period: Four Hours

Upcoming Sessions of Evidence Collection Technician (IAAI-ECT®)

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