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Fire Dynamics

The detailed study of how chemistry, fire science, and engineering disciplines of fluid mechanics and heat transfer interact to influence fire behavior.

  • Define and explain basic fire chemistry terminology.
  • Define and explain the behavior of fire.
  • Define and explain the modes of heat transfer.

This block of instruction will serve to satisfy, in part or whole, requirements concerning continuing education posted in NFPA 1033 Section 1.3.7.

Program topics include: NFPA 921, NFPA 1033, Fire, Fuels, Oxygen, Temperature, Heat, Combustion, Flame, Ignition, Fire Development & Decay, Ventilation, Fire Growth, and Fire Modeling.

Delivery Time Frame

One Day



Upcoming Sessions of Fire Dynamics

None currently scheduled; please call IAAI at 800-468-4224 for more information.

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