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Fundamentals of Fire Investigation

This course is designed to provide the new fire investigator with the prerequisite knowledge necessary to properly determine the origin and cause of a fire and to refresh the experienced fire investigator with his/her current knowledge base as it relates to the scientific investigation of a fire scene. The course is designed to be taught in a week-long period but can be spread out over time depending on the needs of the agency or department. This course provides the basis for the IAAI Fire Investigation Technician certification. 40 hours of tested training.

Hosts for this class must provide a training facility conducive to the size of the class expected, and audio visual equipment that supports class size and a PowerPoint presentation

Delivery Time Frame

Five Days


CFITrainer.Net® Module Prerequisites:

  • The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigation
  • Understanding Fire Through the Candle Experiments
  • Fire Investigator Scene Safety

Upcoming Sessions of Fundamentals of Fire Investigation

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