Three respected sources of foundational coursework in fire investigation fundamentals are the IAAI’s Fundamentals of Fire Investigation 40-hour course, state fire academies, and the National Fire Academy’s Fire Investigation Essentials class. An important quality you want to look for in a fire investigation fundamentals class is third-party accreditation to NFPA 1033, Standard for Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications. This accreditation from an independent organization is your assurance that the course prepares you in accordance with the professional qualification standards in NFPA 1033, which is the national “standard of care” courts expect experts to meet if they testify to their opinion in fire and explosion cases. You can learn more about accreditation in the module Accreditation, Certification, and Certificates. The three major accrediting bodies in fire investigation are the Pro Board, IFSAC, and FSAB.
Training is also available through internships, mentorships, job assignments and details, and self-study programs like the IAAI’s Knowledge 1 courses.