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Competency in Fire Dynamics Lesson Plan

Level of Understanding: This curriculum is designed at the Knowledge/Comprehension Level

Method of Instruction: Directed, Self-Paced/Self-Study Learning Model

Credit Hours: 15 hours of Training (1.5 credit hour equivalent)

Purpose: This learning curriculum is designed to serve as a primer level course, introducing students to the fundamental concepts of fire dynamics including developing a base-level understanding of heat transfer principles; fire dynamic terminology and evaluation tools; and basic algebra and scientific notation. This course will serve as a prerequisite to Fire Dynamics TIER 2: Fire Dynamics Practice and Theory.

At the conclusion of this module the students will be able to:

  1. Define and describe the primary mechanisms of heat transfer
  2. Define and describe relevant fire dynamics terms
  3. Identify relevant fire dynamics evaluation tools including equations, calculators and models
  4. Recognize basic algebraic equations and identify solutions
  5. Recognize and explain scientific notation
  6. Recognize and identify the variables in fire dynamics equations
  7. Translate standard English units in to metric equivalents

NFPA (2014) NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, 2014 Edition, Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association (required) Specifically Chapters 3 and 5.

Quintiere, James (1997), Principles of Fire Behavior, Albany, NY: Delmar Publishing, (Required) Specifically Chapters 1, 2, 3 and Glossary.

Draft of Algebra Chapter to be included in Quintiere, James, Principles of Fire Behavior, 2nd Edition (Required).

Fire Dynamics Calculations Module (available at CFITrainer.Net®) (Recommended; login to CFITrainer.Net required)

DeHaan, John D. (2011), Kirk’s Fire Investigation, 7th Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall (Recommended) Specifically Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Icove, D and DeHaan, J.D. (2009), Forensic Fire Scene Reconstruction, 2nd Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall (Recommended) Specifically Chapter 2.

Students will be required to read the identified learning material and will be required to successfully challenge a comprehensive written examination. Knowledge of the use of a scientific calculator is recommended and use of a calculator is allowed during testing. A passing score of 75% on the comprehensive written examination is required to receive credit for this program.

Absolute Temperature Energy Release Rate Over Ventilated
Adiabatic Flame Temperature Entrainment Piloted ignition
Ambient Fire Plume
Auto ignition Fire Plume Pool fires
Auto ignition Temperature Fire Triangle Premixed flame
Black Body Flame Height Pyrolysis
Burning Rate Flame Spread Radiation
Calorie Flashover Rankine
Ceiling Jet Flux Smoke
Ceiling Layer Fuel Smoldering
Charring Fuel-limited Soot
Coefficient Fully developed Specific Heat
Combustion Heat Spontaneous Combustion
Conduction Heat Flux Stoichiometric
Configuration Factor Heat of Combustion Temperature
Convection Heat of Gasification Thermal Conductivity
Convective Heat Transfer Heat Transfer Thermal Inertia
Critical Heat Flux Ignition Temperature Thermodynamics
Density International System of Units Turbulent
Diffusion Kelvin Underventilated
Emissivity Laminar Vapor

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